Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Hello, World!

If you're reading this, the odds are about even that you're a programmer, and so you get the reference in the title of this post. If you aren't a programmer, it probably seems pretty self-explanatory to make the title of the first post of a blog "Hello, World!"

Nevertheless, the explanation of the "Hello, World!" post in blogs by programmers meant to be accessible to non-programmers is, at this point, almost as obligatory as the "Hello, World!" post itself, so here goes:

Whenever programmers get new tools up and running, they write a basic program that just prints the phrase, "Hello, World!" to the screen to make sure everything is set up right. Personally, I don't usually write the "Hello, World!" program. Instead, I write the "Greetings, master." program. The principle is the same, but I think it gets my relationship with the computer off on the right foot. That didn't seem to be quite applicable here, so I say again:

Hello, World.

Now that we've got that out of the way, let me explain what this blog is all about. I have a dream of a dream house. I call this dream house the Mad Scientist Mansion, for reasons that will become very clear as we go along. This dream house will be the work of a lifetime, and I thought it would be useful to keep a log of the progress, and a blog seemed as good a way of doing that as any.

I haven't started building the house yet--I'm still several years away from doing that, but it's a big project that might benefit from a few years' planning, so I'm starting the blog now. Also, as you will see, not everything in the blog is directly related to the house, per se.

The organization of the blog should be pretty obvious. I'm going to use this tab to talk about the whole house and whatever other things seem generally relevant. The tabs at the top (well, there will be tabs at the top when I get around to adding them) will discuss what is being done to and in each room.

All right, I think that's all for now, because, unfortunately, the Mad Scientist Mansion has not yet been built, which means the automatic laundry system is not yet functional, which means I've got to go take care of that or else I won't have any clean socks tomorrow, which would be a shame. I'll upload some rough sketches of floor plans next time. Until then, Goodbye, World!

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